My Campus Store is a one-stop destination for all your college merchandise requirements. My Campus Store, or MCS, as we like to call it, is the brainchild of two engineering graduates who traveled extensively throughout the world and noticed all students sporting their college merchandise with great pride and realized, we in India, have never had access to this much-needed merchandise. Even if there were some avenues where students could access merchandise, none offered the kind of quality, the options or the service that the student community required.This whole lack of options coupled with the sheer love for college life, we began on this journey of bringing to the students of India, their own store for quality college merchandise. We strive to bring the best products, offer the largest collection of designs and do all this without burning a hole in the pockets of our customers. MCS is a labour of love, of emotions and of gratitude to this beautiful time of a person's life- 'The college days'. We look forward to contributing to making your- extra special. Much love.
Thanks Team MCS